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Our products offerings

Your equity, your way – Choose your path

Secondary Sale

Sell your share with access to our exclusive network of secondary markets, buyers, and other participants.

  • Diversify your portfolio
  • Diversify your portfolio Get liquidity for a financial need Help throughout the entire process
  • Help throughout the entire process
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Non-recourse Financing

Tailored financing solutions to help you exercise your stock options or get liquidity now

  • Retain ownership and future upside
  • Avoid the risk of a personal loan
  • Manage your taxes efficiently
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Our products offerings

Your equity, your way – Choose your path

Secondary Sale

Sell your share with access to our exclusive network of secondary markets, buyers, and other participants.

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Non-recourse Financing

Tailored financing solutions to help you exercise your stock options or get liquidity now

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Secondary Offering

Get equity exposure in startups.

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